The Future of Transport with Network Rail

Transport & Infrastructure

Towns of Tomorrow

this project was worked on by Stephanie Barnes, Jenny Rydon AND Victoria Bell, WORKING IN PARTNERSHIP FROM ACROSS OUR BUSINESS.

A Video Case Study with Network Rail

Network Rail as a business is continuously changing, as are the towns and communities their stations sit within. Working with Montagu Evans, this project came from a need to be more strategic in thinking and developing approaches for the here and now, as well as preparing for the future.

Consumer tastes and behaviours have changed post-Covid, along with the shift from the business to the leisure traveller, and we needed to look at what those changes are, what they mean, and what is provided at a station and see how we can make them a more of an integral of town and city centres.

In this video case study, we explore with Network Rail how, with their stations, we can drive initiatives forward and ensure our towns and cities of tomorrow are futureproofed through regeneration, placemaking, movement of goods and sustainability. Watch it below…



Key Moments

For more information on this project, please contact Victoria Bell.

creating a strategy

With Network Rail, Montagu Evans has been working to help identify a number of different ways to enhance its train stations across the UK as destinations, how to improve the connectivity with areas surrounding the station and also how to enhance the public realm through strategy development, business transformation, sustainability and programme management.

This project looked at their stations in their current status and set to build a strategy that ensured they stayed relevant, remained fit for purpose and worked to their maximum potential.


At the heart of creating stations as destinations is the role of retail and objectively looking at a station and understanding from an economical, social, and technological perspective what should go where. Montagu Evans worked with Network Rail to look beyond the traditional food and beverage retailers and understand what is really useful in a station, what will benefit users and, more importantly, the wider community.


Stations are becoming mixed-use destinations in our towns and cities, and with the shift in passenger behaviour post-covid, it’s not just what happens inside but within the wider area and community that needs to be considered. With Network Rail, Montagu Evans explored key stakeholder relationships and how a station relates to its environment and what connectivity looks like – how they arrive, what facilities are there, connectivity to town centres, the responsibility of partnerships and more.


The estate historically has been involved in the movement of goods, and with the enormous change in behaviour, post-covid consumers are demanding access to products faster. Montagu Evans has been working with Network Rail to look at this from an ESG impact and how the railway can help get things to people quicker, cheaper and with a lower carbon emission, as well as looking at alternative uses of areas around stations and last mile logistics.



Southbank Centre

Planning - Historic Environment & Townscape

London Borough of Lambeth

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