Southbank Centre

Planning - Historic Environment & Townscape

London Borough of Lambeth

This project was worked on by Dr Timur Tatlioglu, a partner in our heritage and townscape team, working in partnership with our client and team.

Key information

Montagu Evans has advised Southbank Centre since 2005 on the heritage value of the Queen Elizabeth Hall, Purcell Rooms and Hayward Gallery, notably achieving three Certificates of Immunity from Listing for the buildings.

The Southbank Centre is one of the finest cultural institutions in the United Kingdom, and the three unlisted buildings require careful management to ensure they are fit for purpose yet attract considerable attention from architectural historians for their architectural interest.

Montagu Evans has advised the Southbank Centre and prepared several applications for Certificates of Immunity from Listing to ensure that the heritage risk to the buildings remains low. At the point where each certificate has expired, our team has reviewed recent historiography associated with post-war architecture to inform whether a material change in circumstance has occurred such that the buildings may be listed.

Our work has ensured that the Southbank Centre has benefited from five Certificates of Immunity from Listing, each time renewing the last and in the context of continued vocal support for designation by parties such as C20 Society. This ensures that the heritage planning risk remains manageable and according to the Conservation Management Plan that Montagu Evans prepared with Allies and Morrison.

Historic Building Refurbishment, RH England

Planning - Historic Environment & Townscape

Aynho, Northamptonshire

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