
Senior Planner
Planning - Commercial

Rachel Mushet

Mushet is a Senior Planner specialising in Planning and Development

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    Rachel is a Chartered Town Planner who specialises in providing strategic planning advice on major commercial development projects.

    Her key focus is assisting clients with delivering developments in the industrial and logistics sector, but with a wide range of experience working across sectors in both England and Scotland. Rachel has previously advised, and continues to work on, mixed-use town centre regeneration projects, as well as office, hotel and higher education developments.

    Rachel is involved in all stages of the planning process, from preparing initial site appraisals and undertaking planning due diligence, through to pre-application engagement with Local Planning Authorities and managing the submission of applications. Rachel’s approach to managing planning projects is based upon developing collaborative working relationships with clients, consultant teams and Local Planning Authorities, to ensure that client requirements are fully considered and tailored solutions are collectively created to ensure that these are met, in line with project programmes.

    Rachel assists clients in both the public and private sectors and currently advises a number of institutional and developer clients.

    Key skills

    • Applications for full, hybrid and outline planning permission, reserved matters, listed building consent, advertisement consent, Prior Approval, and Certificates of Lawfulness
    • Providing advice on the discharge of conditions/ obligations and assisting with negotiating legal agreements/ CIL matters
    • Pre-application consultation, including dialogue with Local Planning Authorities and engagement with key stakeholders/ members of the public
    • Advising on emerging planning policy at a local, regional and national level
    • Working as part of multidisciplinary teams, including feeding into masterplans and Environmental Impact Assessments


    • Associated British Ports
    • Siemens Mobility
    • The Crown Estate


    • Chartered Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute (MRTPI)


    • BSc (Hons) Urban Planning & Property Development


    • Chartered Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute (MRTPI)


    • BSc (Hons) Urban Planning & Property Development