Stanmore College

Planning - Historic Environment & Townscape

Elm Park, Stanmore

This project was worked on by David taylor, a partner in our heritage and townscape team, working in partnership with our client and team.

Key information

Montagu Evans provided Planning & Heritage advice for the demolition and redevelopment of Stanmore College to provide a new 11,045 sqm educational building, ancillary community facilities, car & cycle parking and landscaping improvements.

Educational and operational requirements against the constraints of the site, including adjacent to the conservation area, residential dwellings and impact on highways.

Worked closely with officers at the LPA and the DRP throughout the pre-application process to mitigate any impacts arising from the proposed development.

Montagu Evans prepared, coordinated and submitted a full planning application to the LPA and is awaiting confirmation of validation.

Redevelopment of Smithfield Market, Birmingham

Planning - Historic Environment & Townscape

Birmingham City Council

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