Redevelopment of Smithfield Market, Birmingham

Planning - Historic Environment & Townscape

Birmingham City Council

This project was worked on by David taylor, a partner in our heritage and townscape team, working in partnership with our client and team.

Key information

The £1.9 billion scheme comprises the redevelopment of the 17ha site and is the largest project in the city.

The site is located to the immediate south of the Grade II* listed St Martin’s church and is atop the remains of the moated building that formed the seat of the Lord of the Manor of Birmingham.

In addition to the preparation of a Built Heritage, Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment in support of the application, we provided strategic advice in relation to the character of the townscape and setting of heritage assets in the wider area. We worked alongside the scheme architects, P+P, to test the impact of the proposals on the significance of heritage assets and the surrounding townscape. The scheme was refined as a result of these design development discussions and the constructive engagement with stakeholders, including officers at Birmingham City Council and Historic England.

Partner David Taylor commented: “We are extremely proud to be involved in this project which holds a special personal interest for me, having been brought up south of Birmingham and still living in the area. The site covers a significant area of the city centre and has been vacant for a number of years. The redevelopment affords the opportunity to transform the site and create a unique place anchored around JA Chatwin’s St Martin’s Grade II* listed church. Planning permission would deliver thousands of homes, commercial space and jobs over the next few years.”


Barnsbury Estate

Planning - Historic Environment & Townscape

Barnsbury Estate, Islington

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