Historic Building Refurbishment, RH England

Planning - Historic Environment & Townscape

Aynho, Northamptonshire

This project was worked on by Dr Timur Tatlioglu, a partner in our heritage and townscape team, working in partnership with our client and team.

Key information

Montagu Evans advised RH, an American Luxury Retailer, from pre-acquisition through construction and completion. We used our expertise to advise on the heritage value and potential of this Grade I listed house designed by Thomas Archer and Sir John Soane.

The property is Grade I listed and lies within a Grade II listed Registered Park and Garden. RH required a scholarly understanding of the historic significance of the property to inform the conversion proposals and change of use to a retail gallery with a new restaurant and professional kitchen.

Montagu Evans used our in-house research and heritage consultancy experience to negotiate with the local planning authority and Historic England, finding a balance between undertaking acceptable harmful works and delivering a suite of countervailing heritage benefits.

Montagu Evans helped secure the change of use and refurbishment of this Grade I listed property through a strategy of a series of applications that helped RH deliver the new use in a phased manner. Working closely with Historic England ensured that a consistent and agreed approach could be taken, leading to a positive outcome for what is now a popular destination.

Redevelopment of Grade II Listed Gas Site

Planning - Historic Environment & Townscape

Twelvetrees Crescent, London

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