this project was worked on by Alan harris, matt dickman, Kevin white, josh byles, harry wackett and john prestwich, workNG IN PARTNERSHIP with our clients and FROM ACROSS OUR BUSINESS.
Why Coventry?
Working with Coventry Council for over nine years, Montagu Evans assisted in the delivery of their masterplan aiming to regenerate the city centre. This involved working with the city’s strategic development manager, Shearer Property Group, to shape and deliver this vision.
The plan was aimed to drive economic growth back into Coventry by encouraging the return of people living in the city centre alongside a more sustainable environment. This was to allow Coventry to compete effectively with other centres in the region.
Coventry had a number of long-standing challenges, including a masterplan dominated by the department store, a lack of people living in the city and a lack of investment. As a result, the city had a poor visitor experience, a need to accommodate more high-skilled jobs and poor place perceptions.
Working closely with the Council and Shearer, Montagu Evans undertook an assessment of the development opportunities leading to the creation of a masterplan with a phase-by-phase approach, retaining more historic buildings to allow the flexibility to adapt to shifting market demands way from retail towards workspace, leisure and living.
Rather than promoting a lengthy and inflexible masterplan, Montagu Evans created a unique framework based upon individual plots that ensured it met the right commercial and planning requirements, as well as creating a framework for individually designed buildings with different architects. This then led to the appointment of Hill Group as development manager. Over time, this collaborative partnership involving targeted consultation ensured a proactive approach to meeting the changing business and consumer needs.
Montagu Evans’ planning, heritage and master planning advice has worked towards the creation of 1.5 million sq ft of new individually designed & repurposed residential buildings surrounded by rejuvenated streets & public spaces, a flagship hotel, and leisure as well as shopping. Watch the complete case study below.
KEY moments
Aberdeen Multi-Storey Tower Blocks: Listing Challenge
Planning - Historic Environment & Townscape