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22 February, 2023 · 1 min read




West Silvertown Place Ltd, advised by planning and development consultancy Montagu Evans, has been given the go ahead for a new residential development along North Woolwich Road in Silvertown.

The development will use and optimise a previously developed brownfield site to provide 81 high-quality new homes, across a mix of housing types, including 28% family sized dwellings.  35% of the housing units will be affordable, of which a significant proportion will be affordable family homes.

Alongside the new housing, the development will provide:

  • a car-free scheme, promoting greener modes of travel
  • cycle parking that exceeds required standards
  • significant landscaping improvements and new tree planting
  • generous on-site amenities in the form of two private residential communal courtyards and associated play space
  • public realm improvements to the North Woolwich Road
  • increased urban greening and biodiversity net gain
  • air source heat pumps, and
  • a sustainable urban drainage strategy.

The scheme will comprise three new buildings ranging between two to nine storeys, with the proposed heights designed to form a positive relationship between the existing low-rise terrace housing to the north and east and the emerging taller contemporary developments of Royal Wharf and Silvertown Quays to the south.

Simon Marks, partner at planning and development consultancy Montagu Evans said:  “This successful outcome shows how an imaginative repurposing of underused brownfield sites can unlock land for much-needed residential development.  Key to the success of these plans was continued consultation between the council and development team to deliver a high quality, financially viable scheme that provides for the greatest housing needs in the borough, including affordable homes.”

West Silvertown Place Ltd was advised by Montagu Evans (land agency, planning and financial viability advice), Stephen Davy Peter Smith Architects and Ardent Consulting.

Photo credit – Stephen Davy Peter Smith Architects Ltd.
