Delivering 1,700 New Homes, Westfield London

Planning - Historic Environment & Townscape

London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham

Key information

The outline application for the redevelopment of ‘Block C’ at Westfield London went beyond the parameters established by the 2014 permission. Montagu Evans assisted the client in achieving an uplift in the scale and density of the proposed buildings to deliver 1,700 homes, including a significant affordable provision. The scheme also includes new flexible commercial space with affordable rents along with community floorspace, and, a new 1.5 acre public park.

Montagu Evans provided planning, heritage and townscape advice throughout the project, engaging with key stakeholders. We specifically provided input and development of the tall buildings narrative, balancing the need for increased density whilst improving the visual amenity and urban design function of the scheme relative to the extant consent.

Montagu Evans Presents… Expert Witness

Planning - Historic Environment & Townscape

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