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12 July, 2018 · 3 min read

Montagu Evans join Real Estate Balance 


“Ambition doesn’t have a gender”

We’re thrilled to have officially joined Real Estate Balance, an organisation supporting equality and gender balance within the industry. An organisation who aim to increase women in senior roles by 33% in 2020 and ultimately 50%.

Our ultimate goal is to create a workplace that is reflective of wider society – one where all people, regardless of gender, race, religion, age, disability and sexual orientation, feel respected and able to fulfil their career goals without any real, or perceived, barrier.

Working together with other leading female and male figures in the industry we hope to learn from each other, build an understanding of the issues faced and develop a clear pipeline for career progression at all levels.

Vision of Real Estate Balance

  • Collaborative: we believe that by working together with our members and with other organisations who share our vision we will achieve more, faster.
  • Enabling: we believe that through delivery of our intent we open up the ability for change.
  • Inclusive: we believe that an industry which welcomes all kinds of people is a stronger industry.

What are we doing?

Working with over 50 corporate members, we're striving for long-term change. Our diversity strategy aims to provide development, mentoring and learning opportunities throughout the firm.

As a member, our Managing Partner has committed to:

  1. Visibly demonstrate the business case for diversity and promote your commitment within your business.
  2. Gather your diversity data, track and report your progress, using your data to guide your priorities.
  3. Change mindsets by challenging bias/discrimination wherever you see it and licence others to do so.
  4. Insist on diversity for recruitment or promotion decisions you’re involved with, including on panels and in shortlists.
  5. Use promotional opportunities for your company to represent a diverse image.
  6. Speak on panels only where organisers commit to have at least one man and one woman.
  7. Adopt a balanced approach to sponsorship, i.e. both men and women.
  8. Consider influencing your supply chain.
  9. Personally engage with the diverse range of the workforce in your business in order to broaden your perspective.
  10. Promote D&I in any groups you are members of and share good practice.
