Heritage, Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment

Major developments require a special form of impact assessment, treating historic environment assets or visual and townscape character.

Sometimes the two topics are presented in a single document called HTVIA (also known as BHTVIA or TVBHIA). Most of our heritage and tall building instructions result in us preparing such assessments, and their scope and complexity vary depending on the project and the requirements of the local authority.

When these assessments support applications which are EIA development, there are additional challenges, and they are compounded when the assessment is supporting an outline or hybrid application.


We regularly refine our methodology to reflect changes in practice, new policies and guidance, as well as case law. Our reporting is comprehensive, clearly presented and free from jargon.

We provide VIA consultancy services to support many housing schemes which on Green Belt and Metropolitan Open Land (a special designation unique to Greater London) and are particularly expert where these designations overlap with historic landscapes.

Featured Planning - Historic Environment & Townscape case study

Redevelopment of Smithfield Market, Birmingham

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