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The Future for Historic Towns and Villages in The Planning White Paper? 20 Oct 2020



Being held digitally

The deadline for responding to the Government’s Planning for the Future White Paper is soon here. This event will cover issues for historic towns and villages. The event will revolve around the three following questions.

  1. Does the assessment of the current state of the planning system, and its effects on the delivery of new homes, reflect our public and professional experiences?
  2. Which aspects of the proposed reforms are of greatest concern – the new Local Plan model, democracy and participation, resourcing, infrastructure provision, or others?
  3. What is positive about the vision for the future of planning in England – giving town planning back to planners, investment in skills, greater emphasis on design, greater transparency or more?

Timor Tatlioglu will be on the panel for this event representing local authority planners, neighbourhood planning groups, civic societies, developers and their advisors, sustainability and design consultants:

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