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The NHS continues to operate in exceptional  times and many of the challenges being faced are new. As we move to the next phase of the pandemic, an immediate challenge is  understanding how the landscape has  changed for NHS estates but also trying to  identify opportunities which might emerge from the current situation. Our expert panel will consider how the pandemic has impacted on the management of the NHS estate, looking at the current state of the property market, considering how the crisis is  accelerating change and  providing updates on  major policy developments which emerged  during the period such as the Planning for the  Future White Paper.

  • Howard Williams, Partner at Montagu Evans will provide an update on the property market and consider “what now?” following the pandemic. Howard will also look at the impact of the  COVID­19 pandemic on the ability of NHS Trusts to rationalise through land disposals and what the landscape might look like for land acquisitions as we slowly move out of the crisis.
  • Matthew Hunter, Partner at Capsticks will consider the effect of COVID­19 on NHS estates and will also discuss some silver lining opportunities which have arisen from the pandemic.  The accelerated changes in remote working arrangements presents a major opportunity for NHS Trusts to rationalise their space and there is a significant push to reduce non­clinical  space either through exiting or disposing of space or converting to clinical use. Matthew will  consider best practice when NHS Trusts are rationalising space, as well as the  opportunities which are presented as a result of the recently applied changes in the Use Planning Classes Order.
  • Ian Burden, Head of Disposals and Surplus Land at NHSE&I will provide an update on other key issues relevant to NHS land transactions in these times including NHSE&I’s position on  the Planning for the Future White Paper, which could lead to a wide reaching shake up of the  planning system, section 106 and CIL and town and village green status.

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