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29 April, 2021

Montagu Evans Presents… Alternative Living


The growth of alternative living.

Alternative forms of housing, targeting specific social and demographic needs are increasingly being seen as a tool to solve wider housing issues. Working with private and public sector landowners, institutions, local authorities and developers, we bring together some of the brightest minds exposed to urban regeneration, viability, change of use, development, acquisition and disposal, joint ventures and partnerships to deliver a variety of private rented solutions.

At Montagu Evans, we understand PRS can come under all shapes and guises, some of which include purpose built student accommodation (PBSA), co-living and build to rent (BTR). The rapid growth of alternative housing has created its own challenges such as spikes in supply, changes in planning policy and new planning obligations, viability issues, political uncertainty and rental affordability. In order to address these challenges, comprehensive analysis is required, utilising an understanding of the entire development cycle. Working with private and public sector landowners, institutions, Local Authorities and developers, we bring together some of the brightest minds exposed to urban regeneration, viability, change of use, development, acquisition and disposal, joint ventures and partnerships to deliver a variety of private rented solutions.
