Public Consultation for The Triangle Site, Great Barton

Welcome to the online consultation website for the Triangle Site, Great Barton

Welcome to the online consultation website for land known as The Triangle Site, Great Barton (“the Site”).

We are pleased to share with you the draft Development Brief, which is to be brought forward by West Suffolk Council and Suffolk County Council and once adopted will provide development guidance for the site’s future development.


This public website forms part of the statutory consultation for both the draft Development Brief. We will review the comments received and these will be used to inform a final version of the Brief, which will be submitted to the Planning Authority early in 2023 for consideration. Once this has been determined by Cabinet we will then progress work on the planning application for the site. This consultation exercise will also inform any future planning application brought forward on the site in due course. Feedback at this stage is vital as it will help shape the future development proposals and ensure the scheme not only strives to meet national and local policy requirements, but also results in a development that complements Great Barton and enhances the amenity provision for the local community.


Thank you for visiting our consultation website. The consultation will run from Monday 14th November until the 28th January 2023 and will comprise of a mix of online and in person engagement events, enabling various methods to provide any feedback you may have.

This website provides details of the proposed Development Brief and the overall masterplan approach for the site’s development. The website will provide a summary of the information we are consulting on, which has informed the Development Brief, and provide access to the consultation boards that will be on display at in person consultation events on 24th November and 15th December 2022 between 2 – 8pm.

A further in person consultation event will be held on the 7th January 2023 between 10am – 1pm at the Church Institute, The Street, Great Barton, IP31 2RG.

Once you have reviewed the consultation material, we would be very grateful if you could complete our feedback questionnaire by clicking here. 

Questionnaires will also be available to complete at our in person event or can be requested from the contact email below. Questionnaires can be returned by post to Nadine James, Montagu Evans, 70 St Mary Axe, London, EC3A 8BE.

Please note that comments made at this stage are to West Suffolk Council and Suffolk County Council as the applicant and are not representations to the Local Planning Authority.

Following the closure of the consultation event, all comments will be reviewed by the applicant team. The team has intentionally built in an extended time between receipt of comments and the submission of the Development Brief to allow for any required amendments to the proposals.

It is anticipated that submission of the Development Brief for adoption will be made in early 2023 with an application to follow for planning permission shortly after.


The Site at The Triangle, Great Barton, provides a fantastic opportunity to bring forward development which will deliver a number of benefits for not only Great Barton but West Suffolk as a whole. The site benefits from an allocation for development within both the adopted Rural Vision 2031 Document and the Great Barton Neighbourhood Plan. It should also be noted that the site continues to be allocated within the emerging West Suffolk Council Local Plan.

The draft Development Brief identifies the aspirations for the site’s redevelopment. It focuses upon bringing forward the comprehensive redevelopment of the site to deliver residential accommodation, new open green space and community facilities. It also safeguards land for the future expansion of Great Barton Church of England Primary School.

The draft Development Brief seeks to establish development principles and guidance to which any future application on this site would be determined against. This includes identifying the type of uses to be brought forward on the site and the subsequent amount of development.  The draft Development Brief identifies that the following will be brought forward as part of the site’s redevelopment:

  • Delivery of between 184-191 residential dwellings, which meet Nationally Described Space Standards on the site;
  • Delivery of a mix of unit sizes which reflects local need;
  • Delivery of 30% affordable housing with a provision of service plots as required under the Neighbourhood Plan;
  • Delivery of a new MUGA and LEAP for the Local Community;
  • Safeguarding of 1.1ha of land for the School Expansion Site;
  • Provision of a School Drop off and Pick Up Space;
  • Safeguarding of land to facilitate a future community building in a serviced plot;
  • Delivery of 1.24ha of new open space throughout the Site;
  • Introduction of a new high quality buffer zone along the existing woodland area and Mill Road;
  • A biodiversity net gain provided through appropriate solutions; and
  • A sustainable development which seeks to exceed current energy and sustainability targets set out within West Suffolk’s planning policies.

In summary, the Development Brief seeks to form the parameters upon which a future application would be based. These parameters are in turn based on a raft of technical analysis, statutory and non-statutory consultation and the requirements of planning policy, including the Great Barton Neighbourhood Plan.

A future scheme will bring forward much needed housing on an allocated site. It will allow public access to open space, new play facilities and community uses.

The proposals have been developed to meet the needs of both the existing community and future residents, in a suitable manner that optimises the potential of an allocated site, while respecting the wider character of the Great Barton area.

Further information on the draft Development Brief and masterplan for the site’s redevelopment is available to view by downloading the following presentations:

CLICK HERE for access to Consultation Boards.

CLICK HERE for access to Draft Development Brief.

Please use the links below to access the preliminary draft technical documents that have been prepared to inform the draft development brief. These documents are for information only. Final detailed versions will be submitted for consideration as part of a future planning application. Interested parties will have the opportunity to make representations at that time.

We therefore ask that comments at this stage are made solely in relation to the draft Development Brief document.

The consultation has been extended and will now close at 5pm on 28 January 2023.

Click here for Draft Flood Risk and Surface Water Drainage

Click here for Draft Air Quality Assessment

Click here for Draft Archaeology Report

Click here for Draft HRA Screening Report

Click for Draft Land Contamination Report part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9

Click here for Draft Landscape Assessment

Click here for Draft Preliminary Ecological Appraisal

Click for Draft Transport Assessment part 1 and part 2

Click here for Draft Tree Constraints Report

Click for Draft Utility Search Report part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21

For those who do not have online access, or have difficulty reading online material, hard copies of the presentation material and questionnaire can be obtained by contacting Montagu Evans using the contact details at the bottom of this page.


Thank you for visiting our consultation site. Further information relating to the proposals can also be obtained by contacting Montagu Evans using the following email (within office hours of 9.30am to 5.30pm):

We would welcome any feedback on the proposals. The closing date for submission of comments is 28 January 2023.

Your comments and feedback received will be recorded and will be included in a Statement of Community Involvement which will accompany both the submission of the draft Development Brief and any future planning application on the site to West Suffolk Council.